People from PCF's golden-era
might remember these beautiful treasures..., according to a friend and some internet searching, I've just got a huge update for this!
To quote Big Finale back in 2005... "
Fricking fricking fricking FRICKING YES!!" I was given the following link by a college friend tonight which made me jump for joy.
"Max Factory" Big O, Big Duo, and Big Fau models might not be dead after all! The following picture really really makes me anxious for more information on whether or not these have actually been released in Japan or if they're slated for release soon.

Japanese translation would be appreciated. >_>
I really hope that this actually goes through and becomes a reality, since judging from our PCF archive and a picture copyright these prototypes have been in production since 2005 or maybe even 2002. I'm taking this sudden news with a lot of salt, but I still an really excited that I might be able to get a Duo and Fau for my Big O model (which I won at PCF! XD)
These models would be from the same people that brought us the small 3 inch models of Big O, Dorothy1, The Griffon, etc. Did some more digging for just Big O models in general (hoping to get another lead) and I found
this picture which has a Big Duo the same size as my 8 inch model. I can't recall Bandai ever releasing a Big Duo in the "Anime Collector" series. More searching is needed methinks... but I'm staying positive.