I Am Not Alone
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« on: August 22, 2010, 04:41:57 AM » |
I hereby declare the opening of the CoA Anime Rumor Control Office. In this thread shall rumors regarding anime-related matters be put forth for confirmation or sound debunking.
To begin (as per Vogler/Evan's suggestions): - Neon Genesis Evangelion Live-Action Movie is now in production. (supposedly true, but waiting for further confirmation) - A Full Metal Alchemist Live-Action Movie is being produced by Disney.
If you know anything proving these true or false, speak now. If you hear any further rumors, speak of those as well.
That is all.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2010, 07:39:28 AM by Randolf »
Char Aznable
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« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2010, 01:59:03 AM » |
I know rumor of an Eva LA movie...but for more details I'd have to pull out my Eva DVD...
...so when I do that I'll...*falls asleep*
 Hey Garma, do you read me? Blame this on the misfortune of your birth...nothing personal.
Ace of Spades
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2010, 03:50:09 AM » |
- Neon Genesis Evangelion Live-Action Movie is now in production. (supposedly true, but waiting for further confirmation)
According to IMDB, Evangelion live-action movie is set for 2012. Mother of God! Let the world or society fall apart in 2012.
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Dream granting witch
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« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2010, 10:10:07 PM » |
^lol, ouch.
So Disney is really doing a LA FMA movie? Great, next they'll do Kingdom Hearts and I will be permanently mentally scared. SoraxRiku fan girls shall rejoice, and I will die from fan girl attacks. Better get the logic gun ready *goes to search in attic*.
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I Am Not Alone
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« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2010, 06:10:29 AM » |
Actually, I'm surprised they haven't done an LA Kingdom Hearts yet, considering they already basically own it (let's face it, in KH, Disney is about three times more prolific than Final Fantasy).
Who the hell knows, it might not even be half bad if they did. Everybody thought KH would suck like suck-knows-what when it was announced. That turned out (mostly) false.
I think.
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2011, 04:17:10 PM » |
fan girls shall rejoice, and I will die from fan girl attacks. This was before everybodys time, but we had one of them on here once and I posted a public service announcement Stage 1 is a mild flu, you'll think it was something you ate.
Stage 2 is something like pneumonia, but with intense headaches. This is your brain adjusting itself to recieve and transmit incredibly high pitch sound waves, which is how that species communicates.
Stage 3 hits you like a ton of bricks. You'll develop an insatiable craving for bone marrow, furthermore you'll notice you no longer see colors in the visible spectrum, but rather in complete infared.
At stage 4, you begin writing slash fanfic. It starts off casually, soon you're doing it in your sleep. If you wake up next to a stack of papers, you know stage 5 is next.
Stage 5 is when the higher brain functions cease. You are now one of them.
There are only two known cures. Ingesting large quantities of molten zinc, or killing the original fangirl. These are usually protected by six to seven of their kind. The head is your target, once you destroy the brain of the leader the rest of the swarm falls.
Brooklyn Luckfield
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2011, 04:19:26 PM » |
I've heard about the live action EVA movie, but a live action FMA? That's news to me.
Dream granting witch
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« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2011, 11:06:16 AM » |
Isn't there going to be a live action GITS? Or was that just fan boys hoping for something to fap to?
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R. Daniel 01
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« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2011, 07:01:04 PM » |
I ignore these movie rumors. Either they are bad or they lack what made the original interesting.
R. Daniel 01
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« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2011, 09:28:28 PM » |
Well you're wrong about everything because you haven't seen Akira, and it's awesome. Sorry. Might want to rethink every single decision you've made up to this point.
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2011, 09:38:06 PM » |
I saw a couple of minutes of it, the whole "body horror" genre doesn't do much for me.
I've seen The Fly so really, that seems sufficient.
R. Daniel 01
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« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2011, 09:51:29 PM » |
lawl. Good point.
Well, Akira was all action-packed and hardcore, with some inscrutably vague and mysterious theme beneath. Even though it's ridiculous, it felt like hard sci-fi. That's why I liked it.