Why is there a lack of flying machines in Paradigm City?
I mean with their Megadeii technology i bet they could travel light years in space.
So what is with the lack of flying machines/automatons of anykind?
is it strange that the
only citizen of Paradigm City , Schwarzwald the Crusader of Truth
Strangely has the only Thing that can fly in this entire SHOW??!?!?!
Is this some joke?
Seriously does this make Schwarzwald the only person who can escape from this virtual world?
if i was him i would screw everybody else
screw trying to destroy Paradigm
let everybody live their pointless lives
use Big Duo
try to find some way out of this Virtual Maze
break some hole in the ceiling just before that
evil Big Venus comes to fix the hole and
erase everybodies memories
and then when i am outside the maze
use Big duo to destroy the mainframe computer of this Matrix
* just like in the matrix their is only 1 machine that controls all the others
if you saw matrix reloaded i think or was it the trinity
well anyways i am not wise in movies
but if i recall right Neo had to have a contest with the uber brain machine that thing that was all electric
to free everybody from the matrix
in some battle against the original Mr.Smith
who had the blueprints for the matrix embed in his code
But unlike the Matrix
I would just screw the mainframe
and their wouldn't be armies of dark man hating colonies of evil machines
out their trying to kill me before i found the
mainframe and the original A.I. Matrix:)

So what are you thoughts?
Help me out .. this community needs better threads ...